Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blog Post #42

That you are here- that life exists and identity,
That the power play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

Oh Me! Oh Life!
Walt Whitman

6th hour, room 547, Mr. Allen. I was greeted everyday, always welcomed with an awesome atmosphere. This year in all honesty has been the most signifgant growth in English. When Ap test time rolled around Lit was the only class I felt truly prepared for. Every single day in English I felt as if I have prepared just a bit more for May 4th, even if yes it was a mere improvement, every class was indeed for my benefit of learning and preparing for the test. Ap Lit was the first class that pushed me to do work outside, although I fell short numerous of times on that aspect I now know what it takes in college. I really do believe that Ap Lit was the class that can be best compared to a college course. I am forever thankful that I have Ap Lit under my belt, it was a good little taste of college.

I can come out and say that truthfully when asked to read novels in previous classes I did not take it as seriously as I did an Lit. Lit required deep thought, analysis, and we were tested if we if we actually did that. We were asked to write and talk about everything, and that cannot be done if I didnt truthfully comprehended the work. Jane Eyre for sure was my favorite read. Although at some points long and tedious, a deeper understanding could also shine through from Bronte's work. I also kind of have a soft spot for cheesy happy endings.

In terms of the essays we wrote I learned about myself that it is easier to write striaght from my brain and heart rather than from reading and research. My college essay of course was more of a fun and easier essay to complete than the critical lens. Although yes I am thankful for the critical lens again because I feel as if college will offer more essays similar to that.

Ap smarty pants challenges were always my favorite days in 547. The atmosphere and game and costume and noise. But little did us students know Allen's master evil plan was still education driven. Ap smarty pants prepared me like no other for the multiple choice. During the test my mindset was confident, without the 10 challenges I know it would of been different. I still need to work on my speed however because I had to "C it out" on the last couple :( In terms of the essays on the test. I.C.E although somewhat dreaded was completely helpful. My average was always around 6 or 7 and very hopeful for that to continue to my test score!

Overall I have grown as a reader and a writer immensly. I have learned to appriecate books I would of judged as "boring". I plan to read over the summer which honestly is scary because that is just not me! As a writer I learned my strengths and weaknesses. While I read this summer I plan to continue jounaling, yes I have indeed started journalling. So I mean all I can say is thanks. Thanks for preparing me, entertaining me, pushing me, and helping me grow. Three power claps on three.

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