Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blog Post #10: Reflection

A little side story to begin this reflection: I remember around the first week of school Mr. Allen had a whole little speech before he passed back in class essay numero uno. He said that the class was very diverse in scores. Lots fell into the 5,6 range. Couple fell into the 3,4 range, and he said only one person received a 7. When he said only one person recieved a 7 everyone starting turning heads and such, of course my head turned to Jade and Shelbi's side of the room. But when he passed my essay back, there it was, a 7. And wow to be honest, I was not expecting that. My tummy felt some butterflies and I stood up a little straighter than before. 

So, when the rounds of I.C.E #2 were being passed out, I was eager. And when I saw my paper in front of me the first thing I said was, "dangit." I wanted so badly to improve and my paper had a 6 at the top. Of course along with Mr. Allen's famous smiley faces, we all love those! 

Comparing in class essay 1, to in class essay 2, I see a major change in my analysis. The depth in analysis is the difference. In ice 2, I merely scratch the surface, compared to 1 where I went very in depth. I feel as if the depth of my analysis was based off of my understanding. I understood Things Fall Apart, far better than I understood The Dead. Something I definitely think I improved on, was my organization. In my first essay, I provided two paragraphs of evidence, and finished with a paragraph on theme. In my second essay I included analysis of theme after each piece of evidence, which I feel is a better approach.

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