Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blog Post #24 Final Reflection

Dang, wow. First semester of my senior year is over in 5 school days. 5. That's so crazy to me. But what's even crazier is to think of how much I've grown this semester. Now, this blog is strictly for AP Lit, ill stay on the topic of growth in this class. At the beginning of the school year I didn't know what to expect. Quite honestly I didn't understand the difference between AP Lang and AP Lit so I really believed that this class was just going to be like last year, maybe a little more in depth, but I didn't think we were going to learn anything new. But the first week in I could tell that it is a whole different atmosphere from Lang & Comp.

I feel like I have grown a lot in this class. Let me rephrase that, I know I have grown a lot in this class. This class is the only class this year where I feel like the work in class isn't busy work. We do a lot of the same things, however they all have a purpose, and I really really appreciate that as an AP student. I think that right there is an example of how I have grown, I have grown to know what's important for my learning and for my success. Another area where I think I have improved immensely is my comprehensive skills. When looking at I text I can understand the meaning of it a lot better than I could before. That's very, if not the most important thing to do as a reader.

My favorite piece of work we have read this year was actually toward the beginning of the year. It was a sample college essay by Chi Zhang- "Simple Sentences". I absolutely loved this piece of work. He literally explained his whole life in one page. I was never bored and I was left wanted to meet this guy Chi. I even said to myself I was gonna take one of his lines for my senior quote, "I know where Waldo is. Always." After reading this I was for sure inspired to write a piece that kept my readers entertained like this did for me.

Overall, I have grown as an "ape", and with the help from Mr. Allen, I am successfully preparing myself for this AP test on May the 4th (be with you). So, three power claps on three for a good semester..
*Clap, clap, clap* :)


  1. Wish I was as creative as you :(

  2. I had totally forgotten about that Chi Zhang's essay until you mentioned it! I remember that I liked that essay a lot too, and that I wished I could be half as creative with my college essays and essays in general as him. I hope you did use that quote as your yearbook quote, cause that would be awesome Lil.
