Friday, December 11, 2015

Blog Post #21

After viewing the clip from Apocalypse Now, right off the bat I could see similarities to Heart of Darkness. Of course the boat with the small group upon it, and arriving to the island where explosions are occurring. Looking past the obvious similarities you can see the racial inequalities occurring. Of course in this clip with the Vietnam War interpretation, it is not Africans being lessened, it is the Vietnamese. The Colonel is tossing playing cards on them like they are nothing, similar to Conrad's descriptions of the blacks, savages and animal like. Colonel Kilgore definable relates to Colonel Kurtz. Marlow in both the novela and clip both want the chance to speak with the Colonel, and never get it. This clip did help me better understand Heart of Darkness. Of course visuals always help with my understanding, but also how it was fast paced, alot was going on and I could see it all in one big picture. In the novela it is much slower with deep description, harder to picture and understand.

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